Launching with Sceideal an Fhómhair on TG4 this Autumn, we are pleased to share another strong season of award winning Fíor Scéal documentaries lies ahead.
During this season, Fíor Scéal casts a though-provoking and fearless eye on issues which affect us environmentally, socially, politically and globally.
Leading the new season we have;
The Green Book: Guide To Freedom | Thursday 12 September @ 22.30 (repeated Tuesday 17/09)
In the 1930s, a black postal worker from Harlem named Victor Green published a book that would become part travel guide and part survival guide. The Negro Motorist Green Book helped African-Americans navigate safe passage well into the 1960s, and also served as a catalyst for new businesses. Explore some of the segregated nation’s safe havens and notorious “sundown towns” and witness stories of struggle and indignity as well as opportunity and innovation in this documentary, The Green Book: Guide to Freedom.
Aliens Inside Us | Thursday 19 September @ 22.30 (repeated Tuesday 24/09)
Invisible, alien worlds thrive inside our bodies. By the time a new-born baby leaves the hospital, she’ll have 10 times more microbial cells thriving in her than her own. And they’re not passive houseguests. Microbiologist Maria Gloria Dominguez Bello teases apart the role micro-organisms play in our lives, and how our modern, sterile lifestyles may be changing them.
The film introduces us to the wonders of microbes - how we evolved alongside them and how without them, we couldn’t survive. We look at how the microbes in, on and around us both cause and prevent disease and how their disappearance may be responsible for everything from asthma and allergies to diabetes and obesity.
Battle of Social Networks | Thursday 26 September @ 22.30 (repeated Tuesday 1/10)
Currently 5 billion people own a mobile phone. More than half of them are smartphones. Millions of texts, images and videos circulate daily through social networks worldwide, from dictatorships to the most consolidated democracies. A perfect weapon for social organization in which it is difficult to distinguish between real and false content.The battle to take control of the truth has begun.
This documentary analyzes the unauthorized Catalan independence referendum and its reach in mass media as an example. Are social networks a threat to democracy and our electoral systems? Are they the new mass media? States start to fear Freedom of Speech. Freedom which has facilitated the spread of “fake news” jeopardizing global stability. It has been predicted that by 2022, this will constitute half of online content. How can important mainstream media avoid falling for fake news? How do people manage fake news? Do they detect them? Do they spread them?
Join us Thursday and Tuesday nights on TG4 or catch up anytime, anywhere on the TG4 player.